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Post Divorce Checklist

After a client obtains a divorce [1], we suggest that they perform certain steps to protect themselves and finalize their “break” from their ex-spouse.  Sometimes some of the items on the checklist can’t be done due to a court order or a Separation Agreement that requires you to continue some obligation.  Therefore, you should always speak with your attorney to understand exactly which steps on the checklist you should complete.  Below is the Post-Divorce Checklist that we use with our clients and generally suggest:



_____    Revoke any Power of Attorney [2], Health Care Power of Attorney, Living Will in favor of your ex-spouse (if you have not already done so)

_____    Change your bank accounts to Payable on Death (POD) or Transfer on Death (TOD) accounts to a new beneficiary.

_____    Change the beneficiary on your life insurance policy, pension, 401(k), IRA, etc.

_____    Execute new Last Will & Testament, Durable Power of Attorney, Living Will and Health Care Power of Attorney. (Rice Law, PLLC is happy to assist with this.)

_____    Notify your auto insurer of any changes in automobile drivers, ownership, and addresses.

_____    If you change your name (such as by reverting to your maiden name) as a result of the divorce, notify all of your creditors of the change.

_____    Notify the Social Security Administration of your name change.

_____    Apply for a driver’s license and Passport with your new name (and address, if applicable).

_____    If you move, notify all of the creditors of your change of address.

_____    Change your name on your bank accounts and checks or open new accounts in your name only.

_____    Change your address on your bank accounts and checks.

_____    Remove your former spouse’s name from your lease or mortgage.

_____    Execute all necessary COBRA documents to ensure continued health insurance coverage or make sure that your ex-spouse has done the same.

_____    Keep a copy of your Divorce Judgment. You will probably need it in the future.



_____    Obtain a Child Custody Order [3] or Separation Agreement and Property Settlement (SAPS) if you have not already done so. (Rice Law, PLLC can help) and follow the order.

_____    Obtain a Child Support [4] Order or SAPS if you have not already done so. (Rice Law, PLLC can help) and follow the order.



Note: Keep in mind that a Judgment of Absolute Divorce will generally bar any claim for spousal support if the claim is not adjudicated or pending at the time the divorce is granted.  Therefore, if you are seeking spousal support you need to make sure that you discuss such a claim with your attorney before a Judgment of Absolute Divorce is obtained.  

_____    Obtain an Alimony [5] Order or SAPS if you have not already done so. (Rice Law, PLLC can help) and follow the order.



Note: Keep in mind that a Judgment of Absolute Divorce will generally bar any claim for equitable distribution if the claim is not adjudicated or pending at the time the divorce is granted.  Therefore, if you are seeking spousal support you need to make sure that you discuss such a claim with your attorney before a Judgment of Absolute Divorce is obtained.

_____   Obtain an Equitable Distribution Order or SAPS to address the settlement of marital property [6] if you have not already done so. (Rice Law, PLLC can help) and follow the order.

_____   Divide all property as outlined in the Equitable Distribution Order or SAPS.

_____    Execute a quitclaim deed, as necessary, to transfer title to real property to your former spouse, and/or make sure that your ex-spouse does the same, as required by the ED Order/SAPS.

_____    Change the titles to your motor vehicles to reflect the ownership as outlined in the ED Order/SAPS.

_____    Make sure that your name has been removed from any debts or loans that are no longer your responsibility.

_____    Make sure that the Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO) or Military Pension Division Order (MPDO) is entered and implemented if required under the ED Order.

_____    Take all other actions required by the ED Order.