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Valentine’s Day – Have You Lost That Loving Feeling?

Does Valentine’s Day Make You Want a Divorce?



Do our high expectations for Valentine’s Day push us to Divorce? We expect that the 14th day of February or Valentine’s Day to be a celebration of romance and romantic love.  As such, expectations are high.  We expect to have that loving feeling.  Symbols of the occasion include Valentine’s Day cards, chocolate, flowers, and romantic dinners by candlelight. And we expect this to lead to intimate moments that reflect the true love and affection that we have for each other as life partners. It’s the normal expectation in American society for Valentine’s Day.

So as divorce attorneys, we are not surprised that the “divorce season” starts in February.  Many clients tell us they went to dinner with their spouse on Valentine’s Day and no longer had those feelings that they had when they fell in love.  Perhaps society sets the bar too high — we are told we are supposed to have all these romantic feelings — and when this celebrated day fails us we begin to think about throwing in the towel.

More jaded divorce attorneys than me attribute this to a spouse waiting to find out what their soon to be ex’s bonus will be.  Others suggest that its part of the New Year’s resolution and that by mid-February they are acting on that resolution.

For whatever reason, divorces skyrocket shortly following Valentine’s Day by as much as 40% nationwide.  We certainly see a spike in the dissolution of marriages on and after Valentine’s Day in our practice.

Lost That Loving Feeling?

If you find yourself in this situation, it’s important to speak to a qualified family law attorney as soon as possible to help you protect your rights.  Contact us [1] and we will help you!  You should also consider speaking with a mental health counselor who may be able to help you with the emotions that are so difficult during this time.