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Splitting the Kids at Christmas: How Divorced Couples Cope


Splitting the Kids at Christmas

Divorce is difficult and it’s especially hard for families to split the kids up at Christmas.  We often place high expectations on Christmas.  These expectations may stem from a family tradition and may be triggered by the sights, sounds, and smells of Christmas.  Nonetheless, for parents who are apart, it’s critical to establish a shared custodial schedule that allows children to share time with both parents over the Christmas holiday and structure the holiday in a way that such traditions can be maintained — even if slight alterations of schedule are required.

Ways to Split Time

Important Do’s and Don’ts

Court Order

If you don’t have a Court Order which specifies the time sharing plan, you probably need one.  It is especially important to get this order in place regarding Christmas and other holidays while you are getting along.  Contact Rice Law [1] for assistance in getting this order in place.