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Holiday Survival Guide for Divorced Parents

We look forward to holidays because it is time we can spend with family.  So what happens when that family is being split as a result of divorce?  We surveyed the blogs on the subject and suggest the following to help you make it through the holidays this year.

Last year, Katia Hetter, with CNN wrote an article with specific suggestions to survive the holidays for divorced parents. Hetter’s article, Holiday Survival Guide for Divorced Parents [1], notes that divorced parents face the challenges of negotiating holiday custody schedules, battles over presents, new significant others and simply the pain of being apart.

Bari Weinberger authored, 6 Ways Divorced Parents Can Get More Time With Their Children During the Holidays [2]in the Huffington Post and her suggestions range from just asking to hosting a sleep over so your ex can ring in the New Year.

And a recent article, Navigating the Holidays After a Recent Divorce [3], published by the Chicago Tribune offers suggestions for bringing blended families together during the holidays after a recent divorce.

Based upon the experience of our clients, we offer a few tips of our own:

What tips do you have?