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Spend Time with Family at Thanksgiving

For almost four centuries, we have celebrated some form of a “Thanksgiving Holiday” in North America. Even though it started as a time to give thanks for the harvest, it is now symbolized in the United States by eating Turkey, spending time with family, shopping, watching parades and football, and travel delays.

For me it is a time of togetherness. When I was a boy, we travelled to my Great Grandmother’s house to see extended family and enjoyed a big meal. For about thirty years, we have held the celebration at my mother’s home and as many as forty family members would attend – many flying in from great distances to attend. The holiday was always marked by huge portions of my favorite foods, lively philosophical discussions and several hands of Canasta.

Our family also held hands to say grace and each person was expected to say what they were thankful for over the past year. The most often cited was “family” but there were also the funny, inspiring and serious expressions of gratitude. By asking yourself what you are thankful for, you make a positive attitude adjustment and switch from the thought process of “what is missing in your life” to appreciation for what you have.

Even during the Great Depression, our nation gave thanks to God “for the blessing of life itself and the means to sustain it, for the sanctuary of home and the joys that pervade it, and for the mercies of His protection from accident, sickness, or death.” It is no different in 2011. During the midst of record foreclosures, high unemployment, and nationwide protests, we stop as a nation to give thanks to God.

Fundamentally, it is healthy to be thankful and to spend time with our family – even when they get on your nerves. Our families hold the key to fully understanding ourselves, our roots and our values.  The stories that are told from generation to generation help us understand our past.  We create and preserve family traditions and family values by spending time with family.  These individuals are often our most loyal and biggest supporters when things go wrong.  Therefore, we hope that you have given thanks for the blessings of life and spent your time with family this Thanksgiving holiday!